Whether traveling solo or with family, parents and guardians need to talk with children about safety before boarding a plane, train, or bus this summer season. Crowds are greater this time of year and children may easily become separated from their parents and guardians. If that should happen, parents and guardians need a plan and children should be taught what to do.
And remember: child safety is a year-round priority. Parents and guardians need to look out for kids and keep communication lines open 365 days a year!
- When you make reservations for your child, specify whether your child will be traveling alone.
- Whenever possible, book a non-stop flight or direct route. Avoid booking the last flight of the day.
- Plan to visit the airport, train or bus terminal prior to departure. Let your child know what to expect, so the experience will not be so intimidating.
- In case of delay or cancellation, remain at the station or gate until the train, plane or bus departs.
- Make sure children travel with proper identification and parents or guardian contact information.
- Always have a back-up plan for the person or people meeting the plane at the destination, in case they are delayed.
- Encourage children not to become too friendly with other passengers or to reveal any personal information.
- Remind them that the flight attendant is the adult to go to if they are uncomfortable or need assistance.
Copyright© 2010 National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. All rights reserved. National Center for Missing & Exploited Children Charles B. Wang International Children's Building 699 Prince Street Alexandria, VA 22314-3175 703-224-2150 | 1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678) | www.missingkids.com |