Where is all my bandwidth going? And how do I tell? | Dear CNET members,
Happy Friday! By the time you are reading this newsletter, hopefully our new addition to our family has been delivered and in good health. Yes, you heard right, my wife is delivering our third child today and I am excited and nervous all at the same time. You'd figure after a couple of runs, this would be a walk in the park, but let me tell ya, the days and the hours leading to this special day, I have the jitters all over again. Wish us luck! I promise to share some pictures of the baby when I return from paternity leave.
Now on to this week's topic, which comes from CNET member Jack, who is a cable broadband service subscriber and pays for the highest speed available to him, yet during certain times when he is streaming movies it goes from great streaming to poor. He has run multiple broadband speed tests and they do show results at the speed he's paying for, but he is puzzled as to why his bandwidth would suddenly decrease during certain times, and wants to know if it's his doing or if there's another culprit, and exactly where the bandwidth is really going.
Well, Jack, first off I'm happy to see that you are already interacting with the folks in the discussion thread under your member handle "El_vis." From reading our members' answers to your question, it seems what you're noticing can be caused by a wide range of problems, from bandwidth usage around your neighborhood during certain time of day, to the cable provider throttling your service because of high usage, to possible equipment issues. A member even mentioned that cookies on computer systems can be bandwidth-sucking items. I encourage any of you out there who have seen this issue in the past to share your experiences and what you have done to solve your problem.
Jack and fellow CNET members please do continue your conversations, hopefully you'll be able figure exactly who and what the culprits are. Thank you, everyone, for your help and have a great weekend!
Cheers! | | Lee Koo | Community manager / San Francisco | | | | | Q: Where is all my bandwidth going? And how do I tell? | I don't have fiber to the home, so I am limited to my cable Internet connection. I'm currently paying for the fastest residential Internet my cable provider offers. Using Speedtest.net, I routinely get 20Mbps down and 4Mbps up. Advertised speeds exactly. We have TWC/Road Runner in the San Antonio area.
We have wired Gigabit Ethernet in the house. iMac (Mavericks) (on all the time), Sony PC (Windows 8.1) (on all the time), HP LaserJet P2055dn (on all the time), Two DirecTV HD DVRs (standby or on all the time), Apple TV, Xbox 360...
>> Read full post here -- Submitted by: Jack P. | | | | Q: How do I convert all my film negatives to digital? | I have a ton of film negatives boxed up in my basement that I would like to convert to digital, so I can share them easily with my family and friends on DVDs. I know this task is going to be painstakingly slow, but now that I'm retired I have plenty of time on my hands. However, what I don't have in my hands is the knowledge to take on this task and I was hoping your members would be able to help me out. I'm not tech-savvy nor am I a tech idiot and given proper step-by-step instructions or advice on what I need to buy and do for this process, I'm pretty sure I can do it myself. Can you kindly please help me get started? I'm listening tentatively. I appreciate the help in advance. -- Submitted by: George M. If you have an answer to this question, click here to submit your advice or suggestions. | | | | SEND IN YOUR TECH QUESTION / | | | | | Have a tech-related question? | Click here to e-mail us on one of these topics:. • | Desktops & laptops | • | Home audio & video | • | Security & privacy | • | Cameras & camcorders | • | Software & apps | • | Tablets & Smartphones | Need help tech right away? Don't wait for us, post your questions in the CNET Forums for all the tech help and how-tos. |
| | | | | | | What type of Internet connection do you have at home? What's the speed of your connection? | • | Cable modem | • | Dial-up | • | DSL | • | Fiber-optic | • | ISDN | • | Satellite | • | None | • | Other (What is it?) | | | | | | |
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